A Monsoon Brimmed with Exciting Deals

Monsoon Brimmed with Exciting Deals

Monsoon brings out different moods for all of us. Some fall in love with the way the raindrops fall on the ground, some despise the fact that it makes a mess all around, some love the petrichor in the air, some dread getting wet.

One thing that remains constant is the desire for a hot cup of tea on a cold rainy day. Do you believe us when we say that a cup of tea can make any moment better? Try it out for yourself!

We’ve curated some monsoon special deals just for you to make it a little more fun and adventurous. What’s the catch? These packs are discounted up to 66%!!!

Each pack contains three teas and one product that is suitable for all of your Monsoon Moods.

So, whether you’re planning a drive into the woods, a mountain trek, or something as simple as staying at home with some hot piping snacks, we’ve got you covered.

Further in this blog, we are going to list down the Monsoon packs for you to choose, hold your breath (Not really) and get ready for something exciting!

  1. Driving In The Woods:

On days when you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, try the less travelled roads of lush green forests that come to life when rainwater touches them. The driving in the woods pack from TDT includes two spicy tea blends, one soothing green tea and a double-walled borosilicate tea infuser.

Make a warm cup that suits your mood for the day, pour it into the double-walled borosilicate tea infuser, and take it with you on your drive. Park your car, turn on your favourite music, and enjoy your tea for up to 5 hours, thanks to the infuser.

  1. The Aroma Of Rains:

Some natural odours, such as the smell of gasoline, paint, rain, and many others, find their way into our hearts.

The petrichor in the air right after the rain feeds the Pluviophile in us, working wonders by reducing stress and bringing calm. And, when accompanied by cold gusty air, it appears to be the only thing we look forward to on a rainy day.

We’ve got a mood booster for you no matter what time of day it is. A collection of Oolong tea, Jasmine tea, and Black tea that can be used for a variety of purposes throughout the day. A cup of black tea will give you more energy, a cup of oolong tea will boost your metabolism, and a cup of jasmine tea will help you relax. These beauties are accompanied by an elegant porcelain big stripes cup and a spiritual fantasy candle that will make you feel at ease.

  1. Rain And I:

On days when you don’t want to go outside, sit by the window and watch the rain droplets fall. Watch a movie or read a book, and call your friends and family. The gloominess can negatively impact your mental health, which is why it is critical to spend some time alone doing something you enjoy because there is no greater fun than self-care.

We’ve got you a pack to make your me-time a little homier and cosier. Make a cup of black tea to boost your energy, Oolong tea to stimulate your metabolism, and jasmine tea for a calming, soothing experience. Pour it in a stellar tea for one set and make the most of your alone time.

  1. Monsoon Playlist:

And when everything fails, soft music, a warm cup of tea, and some piping hot appetisers save the day. As it starts to rain the desire to have something warm multiples. TDT’s Monsoon playlist pack includes three teas for an ecstatic experience, as well as an elegant appetiser plate to serve your expertise.

So get up and cook your favourite dishes to pair with some spicy tea blends. Yet, pakoras and a cup of tea will always make a perfect pair on a breezy rainy day. Just in case you are not in the mood for spicy, brew yourself a cup of calming green tea, play your monsoon playlist and relax.

  1. Rainy Day Cuppa:

There will be days when you want to do nothing but crawl back into the banket. Do not be concerned; almost everyone experiences this sensation as a result of the dark clouds. On those days when you’re feeling down, make yourself a warm cup of tea and spend some time alone with yourself, because being alone with and for yourself can be therapeutic.

We’ve got you a pack to make you happy. A cup of black tea to boost your energy, Oolong tea to stimulate your metabolism, and jasmine tea for a calming, soothing experience. Pour it in a bold and bright yellow mug, and you are all set to rock.

  1. Monsoon Nostalgia:

This monsoon let the inner child in you out. Get wet in rains, jump in the puddles, dance your heart out and you will radiate with happiness. Something about dancing in the rain makes us happy; perhaps it’s the fact that this is the one time when we purposefully want to get soaked.

Arabic Calligraphy- Its Importance in Islamic Art

Arabic Calligraphy

A sacred art form, Arabic calligraphy plays a significant role in Islamic faith and culture. Quran the “Word of God”,as Muslimsbelieve,was written in the Arabic script in the 7th century, which contributed to the calibration of the Arabic language. During that period, to design script was challenging for the Muslim scribes when it came to parchment. For this purpose, Arabic calligraphy was developed.

This holy art form is regarded as the most basic factor of Islamic Art, with which the Islamic society was transformed into a written and most distinct artistic element instead of an oral culture. The gist is that the Arabic script is used for creating an array of ornamental forms and the implementation of Arabic calligraphy offers an aesthetic appeal to the Arabic text. Furthermore, this divine art form is a way to transmit a script in an ornamental form.

Creative Potentials of Arabic Calligraphy

With its divine and decorative nature, calligraphy is used in tombs, mosques, madrasahs, etc., to etch “Qur’anic verses and historical dates”. The “wonders of calligraphy” were applied to offer “the finishing touch of splendor” and to glorify the building. In addition to that this form of art was used in architecture until 10th century to decorate buildings.

Several artifacts from different places and times showcased different forms of calligraphy in their designs. Possibly, it demonstrated the creative potentiality of the art writing in an ornamental way. Many artists used this artistic form to showcase the different possibilities of Arabic script in different styles. For instance, some used random brush strokes into an ornamental knot. Some other artists admired this art on a paper in an ornamental way and enriched their decorative frames.

Nevertheless, Arabic calligraphy is used in varied and creative ways. The written word is taken far beyond pen and paper into different ornamental and decorative forms in different materials such as metals, stones, buildings, and today into even mobile wallpapers too. The most significant feature of Islamic art is that it offers endless versatility and creativity,where the calligraphers balance transmitting a text and conveying its meaning through a proper artistic code.

A Guide on the Different Types of Calligraphy Course

Thuluth Calligraphy Course

Calligraphy is one of the oldest cultural fields that has gradually evolved from simple writing tools to modern font graphics. The word comes from the Greek “callos”-beautiful and “grapho”-I wrote, beautiful and clear text.

How do we know art of calligraphy ?

The art of calligraphy has gone through a long millennium development path. At first, information and spoken language were conveyed through pictures, and then these pictures were simplified, and syllable text appeared, followed by graphic symbols (letters) representing a sound, which had no connection with the objective world.

The system and usage rules of these symbols have been formed for several days. Calligraphers have been honing their skills for many years. The styles and characters of letters have changed under the influence of different tools and materials.

For a long time, handwritten books were the only way to store and transmit information, so the text must be easy to read, and the shape of the letters must be clear.

With the development of technology, the demand for handwritten books has disappeared, and the art of calligraphy has also changed the carrier of its development.

If you are confused about the different types of calligraphy and the tools needed to make them, this article will help you! In it, you will find explanations of the five most common types of calligraphy today. You can also take quizzes to decide what to learn next!!

What are the common calligraphy course ?

As a beginner in calligraphy, you may have an understanding of the calligraphy style you want to create. However, sometimes you don’t have a name-this may make it difficult for you to move forward! In this article, we will study five common calligraphy course.

  1. Modern Pointed Pen Calligraphy course
  2. Brush Pen Calligraphy course
  3. Faux Calligraphy course
  4. Traditional Pointed Pen Calligraphy course
  5. Broad Edge Calligraphy / thuluth calligraphy course


This course will deal with normal Thuluth and will not discuss other types such as Thuluth Jali. The course is taught in English. Therefore, learners need to understand Arabic (letters) and English (narration part).

A Brief About Kufic Calligraphy Course

Kufic Calligraphy Course

Kufi calligraphy is one of the earliest Islamic calligraphy styles that evolved over time and history. Although this style was used in the early Islamic era, and the style of the Islamic alphabet is slightly different from other styles, the Kufi calligraphy style is still particularly used for decoration and architectural purposes.

The early Quran, which can be traced back to the early days of Islam, was written in Kufi. It’s nice to know that there are different styles of library methods, but in Kufi Calligraphy Course, we will focus on the early library methods, which are also the basis for learning all other types of library methods.

Focusing on Kufi calligraphy, we will learn the basic knowledge and methods of Islamic calligraphy. In this course, we will try to guide you through the basic knowledge of Kufi style and the difference between this style and other calligraphy styles.

This course is suitable for everyone who is interested in calligraphy or Islamic art, even if you do not know the Islamic alphabet. This will be a great challenge for you, because considering that this course is online, our teachers will use some new methods to teach you how to improve your calligraphy skills after the course is over.

Teaching method:

Tools you would need for this course:

Garam (calligraphy pen)
Moracab (calligraphy ink)
Calligraphy paper or cellophane
Ghalam knife sharpener (calligraphy folding knife)
Davat & Ligheh (ink tank and controller)

The purpose of the Arabic calligraphy series is not to teach you how to faithfully imitate the form, but to let you understand the letters and how they are combined so that you should use to create them.

Arabic calligraphy can be divided into two main categories: so-called Kufi and cursive or circular writing. Although Kufi is often presented as a single, specific script, this is a mistake and it can only be artificially reduced to a formula. To clarify this point, we will briefly describe the respective histories of the two families and explain their fundamental differences. (Please note that all the names we used to specify the script are in retrospect. If any, the period source uses them more fluidly.)

How to Choose the Right Products for Your Skin?

Moisturizing Cream

Skin is the part of our body that gets exposed more. Therefore, it is essential to take proper care of the same. To keep the skin healthy and glowing, people use various products such as moisturizing cream, talc, lotion, and many other cosmetics. However, not all products are best for our skin. There is a misconception that all creams and moisturizers are the same. But, it is not true at all.

Everyone has a different skin tone and skin type. Therefore the products are required to be selected likewise. The most essential thing that people use to improve the quality of their skin, and keeping it hydrated is a moisturizing cream. Now, the question is how to choose the right one. If you are also worried about the same, then you are at the right place. Below mentioned points that will help you in the same.

Check your skin type

Before choosing any product for skin it is essential to check the skin type you have. Is it oily, normal, dry, or a combination one? Is your skin is prone to acne, or is it sensitive skin? The answer to these questions will help you in determining the type of products you should pick.

Know about your creams’ texture

The texture of the product matters with different skin types. If you have a normal skin, then a non-greasy and light moisturizing cream works well. Similarly, if you have dry skin, then it will require a heavy-duty moisturizing cream, as it helps to lock the moisture in your skin. Along with texture, it is also essential to check how the product feels on your skin once applied.

Sniff the scent

Strange, but it is true. The scent of cream or any skin products is also essential to check. The products we apply on our facial skin stays near to our nose, and if it smells good, then you will like to apply it. Along with this concern, if you have dry and sensitive skin, then it is suggested to avoid products that have a strong scent.

Use of SPF

Many people think that SPF cream should only be applied while exposing in sun. However, it is always good to apply a cream with SPF every day.

I hope now you can easily choose the right skin products.

Know about the Cucumber Benefits For Skin

Cucumber moisturizer

Luxurious skin treatments and facials may seem attractive, but you don’t always have to tear down the bench to make skin smooth and stable. Easy ingredients such as plants are often what the skin craves exactly.

What Does Cucumber Do For Your Skin?

Cucumbers are renowned for their crunchiness and coolness, but their color, too, is famous for their skin’s super food. For decades, they have been used to treat chronic skin problems such as hydration, aging, and inflammation. Let’s examine the top skin cucumber advantages:

Packed With Skin-Lovin’ Nutrients

Cucumbers are high in vitamins and minerals, giving them an advantage when it comes to skincare. Vitamins are essential for overall health, but they are especially effective in promoting skin health when applied topically.

Hydrate Skin

The hydration of your skin improves elasticity and resistance. Failure to hydrate will make the skin appear slimy and oily and be more likely to be fine lines and wrinkles. Keep the skin smooth and bright with hydrating ingredients such as cucumber.

Cucumbers contain polysaccharides that assist the skin to retain the moisture. Cucumbers contain approximate 96 percent of water. Cucumber moisturizer high water content is a very important benefit because it offers superior hydration to the skin.

Soothe Inflammation

Cucumber moisturizer have a relaxing and calming effect on the skin, which helps people with sensitive or irritating skin, particularly even though they are suitable for all skin types. They also anti-inflammatory characteristics, helping to minimize morning puffiness and swelling.

Alleviate Sunburn

Are you spending in the sun for a bit too long? Or maybe you have forgotten to apply the sunscreen again? A cucumber is famous for sunburn reduction. It can relieve slightly bruised or weakened skin and relieve sunburn because of its cooling effects.


Cucumbers are high in antioxidants, which aid in the battle against oxidative harm induced by free radicals. Cucumbers moisturizer is completely free of chemicals, so have no side effect on the skin. It can be used without any type of doctor instructions.

Some Points to Consider While Learning Arabic Calligraphy Online

Learning Arabic Calligraphy Online

An art based on Arabic alphabet, the Arabic calligraphy has gained a lot of significance since its use as revelations of Al Quran to Prophet Muhammad. The Arabic script’s popularity grew as it was used in several fields such as literature, commerce, science, as well as other languages such as Turkish, Persian, Arabic, etc.

Learning Arabic calligraphy, you gain skills to read, understand and write various Arabic scripts and their expressive forms combining aesthetic beauty with spiritual meaning.

Why Is Learning Arabic Calligraphy Beneficial?

When it comes to learning Arabic calligraphy online, you need to know its history. Believed to be evolved in the 6th century, the Arabic script has 17 characters, which provided 28 letters to make Arabic alphabets. They are combined to form words and are generally written from right to left. A calligrapher writes the artistic script using a reed pen called ‘qalam’ and ink producing strokes with a ‘marvel of fluidity’ and an ‘infinity of gradation’.

Learning Arabic calligraphy will expose you to an amazing conflation of art and geometry. Over the years, this art has progressed to reach new forms and heights, wherein technology is used to create inspiring artworks by the calligraphers across the world. By joining an Arabic calligraphy course online, you get an opportunity to master the art and use it to create artworks in various types of materials such as ceramics, paper, wood, glass and textiles, and more.

Some Tips to Choose the Best Arabic Calligraphy Online Course

There is no dearth of Arabic calligraphy courses online; nevertheless, it is advisable to keep a few points in mind while choosing the most suitable course on the Internet.

Look for a Quran-centric course that takes you through the intricacies of Arabic calligraphy

The courses offered are for short periods and it is better if you choose a comprehensive training program, which takes you step by step from basic to advanced, which eventually helps make a refined artwork.

It should help you with videos, feedback, discussions, quizzes and Q&A sessions post learning to master the script.

With the best Arabic calligraphy course online, you can have a seamless learning experience.

Exclusive Arabic Calligraphy Course for Anyone!

Arabic Calligraphy Course | u8hapu3mdn.netdna-ssl.com

Calligraphy represents one of the fundamental aspects of Islamic art and it is in ornamental forms having great aesthetic appeal. The inscriptions in legible forms are meant to convey a text, but it is not easy to read unless you learn it religiously.

Why Should You Learn Arabic Calligraphy?

The significance of Arabic calligraphy lies in its use in the holy book Al-Quran revealing Islam to the Prophet Muhammed in the first century. Since then, it has a great influence on the Islamic art, where it renders forms to signs in asymphonic, expressive and skillful manner. The Arabic calligraphy has influenced several art styles through cultural exchanges across the world and some of the prominent ones are Baroque, Andalusia, Rococo, etc.

Learning Islamic calligraphy will give you an opportunity to enhance your visual experience beyond the expressive forms and glyphs.It will inspire you with its script that showcases readability, aesthetics and functionality. There are about 28 letters, which consist of 17 forms and they are used for decorating objects and homes, create graphics, logos and designs, etc.

Know More about the Arabic Calligraphy Course

Being an art, Arabic calligraphy asks for dedicated learning through traditional way of training. The Thuluth script course is divided into 6 parts to help you learn in a systematic way. An Arabic calligraphy course requires you to learn to write the script using a pen made of reed, wood or bamboo and ink. The course takes you through different letter shapes and how to connect them to write words.

Learning is made easy through numerous videos, which you can watch number of times until you perfect writing the letters or words. The length of the course depends on the amount of time you take to learn the art. The parts take you in length detailing every aspect of the script. You can also test your understanding by taking a quiz at the end of the session, having weekly feedback or clarifying your doubts through a question and answer (Q&A) session.

The training schedules are flexible to help you learn during your free time. Why not take this opportunity to learn and master the beautiful Arabic calligraphy online?

Best Organic & Natural Skincare Products For The Perfect Glow

organic skincare products

Gone are the days when health was all about having a balanced diet and regular exercise. Yes, those are important, but people today are really aware of what they use on their bodies, making organic skincare use a top priority.

Your skin being the largest organ of the body, would absorb almost everything you apply on it. This is why looking at things from a fresh perspective and laying emphasis on organic skincare is a must. Do this exercise – open your drawer and have a good stare at your skincare product’s ingredients. Are they safe to eat? No. Then why feed your skin with such detrimental ingredients?

Handmade products with the purest of organic ingredients, and a lot of heart!

At Misara, we believe in the truest form of beauty. All our skincare products have natural and organic ingredients, so that we up your confidence, not your worries.

Our cruelty-free products have been derived from nature’s own ingredients, not only making them super safe to use on your skin, but also making it flourish naturally. Misara’s range of organic skincare products are a mix of nutritional and natural elements, making it the best food for your skin and hair. Derived from fruits and nuts to essential oils and ayurveda powders, Misara provides solutions you don’t want to miss – be it for your hair, your skin, or your overall body.

Let your skin breathe freely with our nature-friendly and organic skincare products!

They say if you’re splurging on something, ensure you get your money’s worth! This is what we at Misara believe in – truthfully and completely. We put all our heart to ensure you get more than your money’s worth with our organic products.

We love it when your skin glows, we love it when your hair shines with lustre – with you sporting a radiant smile.

With Misara, it’s not just about your well-being, but also the planet’s well-being and the local farmers’ contentment. Through our organic skincare products, you’re not just opting for healthier skin and hair care options, but also supporting the local economy.

Come, let your skin know how it feels to be pampered with love, with purity, with organic elements – only at Misara!

Various Forms of The Most Revered Art Form of Arabic Calligraphy

Arabic Calligraphy to Beginners

How has an art form of calligraphy stood the test of time for centuries, and how is it so relevant even today? Yes, we are talking about Arabic calligraphy or Islamic calligraphy as you call it.

Islamic calligraphy is so revered because it’s a lifelong journey, and not exactly a course or a lesson that can be mastered within a year or a few months. It takes utmost dedication and lots of practice to do it the right way.

Although the main function of Arabic calligraphy is strongly associated to the holy book Quran, it was also used for a variety of things, embellishing almost every mosque, gracing every monument of historical significance in Islamic culture, and even creating employment for people to create works of art. Apart from this, the Arabic calligraphy has made its presence felt on ceramics, metalwork, carpets, wood carvings, and the monumental Taj Mahal!

Arabic calligraphy’s most notable contribution till now is the written script and words on paper, used to communicate. And this was not only limited to Islamic texts, as many ancient Bibles have been transcribed in the Arabic script.

Then came the various script forms of the Arabic calligraphic styles, with new evolvements and modifications over a period of time. A few Arabic scripts, especially Thuluth & Kufic, were wholeheartedly dedicated to architecture. One of the earliest instances of Arabic architectural inscription can be found in Jerusalem’s Dome of The Rock. It also adorns the Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo.

At many places, calligraphers used geometric symmetry to depict a script, like the Kufic script used in Bibi-Khanym mosque in Samarkand, acting as a symbol of distinctiveness and a signature of finesse.

Also, Islamic art is something which is easy on the pocket in today’s world, which is why most Muslims do not hesitate in opting for it. All you need is a Kagaz, a Qalam, some ink, and lots of passion.

Talking about passion, we at Qalam aur Kagaz teach Arabic calligraphy to beginners with a lot of heart and soul. Our course curator, Mr. Salim Khan, has been at the helm of things of Arabic calligraphy and the Thuluth script for decades now. He has mastered the basics as well as the advancements of Islamic calligraphy, and wants to pass on the baton to new, dedicated learners who want to embrace calligraphy and learn the Thuluth script, as well as other aspects of Arabic calligraphy.

After all, it’s all about embracing the art form and connecting with oneself, and that is what we at Qalam Aur Kagaz focus on.